Wednesday, October 26, 2011



  1. Which gas in atmosphere absorbs ultraviolet rays?
    1. methane
    2. nitrogen
    3. ozone
    4. helium
  1. Fall in air temperature with increasing elevation is known as
    1. thermal anomaly
    2. thermal reduction
    3. temperature fall
    4. lapse rate
  1. Where is the doldrums belt located?
    1. near the equator
    2. near the polar areas
    3. on the Tropic of Cancer
    4. on the Tropic of Capricorn
  1. What is the name given to winds blowing from subtropical high pressure regions, to the equator?
    1. Westerlies
    2. tropical easterlies
    3. high latitude easterlies
    4. doldrums
  1. "Horse latitudes" is the term applied to the
    1. 00-50 N and S latitudes
    2. polar circles
    3. 300-400 N and S latitudes
    4. 400-600 N and S latitudes
  1. The stratosphere is said to be ideal for flying jet aircraft. This is because
    1. this layer is rich in ozone which reduces fuel consumption
    2. the temperature is constant and ideal for aircraft engine efficiency
    3. this layer is out of the firing range of anti-aircraft guns
    4. of the absence of clouds and other weather phenomena
  1. Which factors do not affect the amount of insolation?
    1. solar constant
    2. surface temperature
    3. length of the day
    4. rotation of the earth
  1. The velocity of winds is governed by
    1. pressure gradient
    2. Farrel's law
    3. rotation of the earth
    4. temperature
  1. Over which region is the temperature the highest near the tropopause?
    1. around the equator
    2. over the Arctic region
    3. near the Tropic of Capricorn
    4. near the Tropic of Cancer
  1. Identify the factors responsible for change in seasons on the earth's surface?
    1. rotation of the earth
    2. revolution of the earth
    3. inclination of the axis of the earth
    4. rotation of the sun
  1. Arrange the planets correctly in descending order in terms of number of their satellites?
    1. Uranus
    2. Jupiter
    3. Saturn
    4. Mars
  1. Identify the sedimentary rocks.
    1. basalt
    2. limestone
    3. quartzite
    4. granite
  1. Name the instrument use for measuring humidity.
    1. barometer
    2. thermometer
    3. hygrometer
    4. hydrometer
  1. Which of the following are not a planetary wind?
    1. easterlies
    2. westerlies
    3. drainage winds
    4. trade winds
  1. How much pressure is exerted by the atmosphere at sea level?
    1. 1 kg/cm2
    2. 1 pound/cm2
    3. 5 kg/cm2
    4. 2 kg/cm2
  1. The water content in the atmosphere
    1. is not dependent on temperature
    2. increases as temperature increase
    3. remains unchanged with change in temperature
    4. cannot be measured
  1. What will happen if the temperature of water is lowered from 80C to 30C?
    1. water will freeze
    2. water will not change in volume
    3. the volume will first increase, then decrease
    4. the volume will first decrease, then increase
  1. Which is the shortest route from Moscow to San Fransisco?
    1. via Canada
    2. over land
    3. over the South Pole
    4. over the North Pole
  1. Which one of the following is a great circle?
    1. tropic of Cancer
    2. tropic of Capricorn
    3. equator
    4. Arctic Circle
  1. In which region can be phenomenon of midnight sun be observed?
    1. in the tropical zone
    2. in warm temperature regions
    3. in the Arctic and Antarctic regions
    4. anywhere at the time of solar eclipse
  1. Farrel's law is concerned with the
    1. direction of winds
    2. velocity of winds
    3. intensity of winds
    4. none of these
  1. Blizzards are characteristics of __________ region?
    1. equatorial
    2. tropical
    3. antarctic
    4. temperate
  1. What is the importance of ozone in the atmosphere?
    1. it provides protection against ultraviolet radiation
    2. it provides condensation effect on earth
    3. it creates the greenhouse effect on earth
    4. it helps scatter the blue light
  1. Assertion (A): Eclipses do not occur on al full moon and new moon days
Reason (R): The moon revolves round the earth in an elliptical orbit
    1. A and R are true and R correctly explains A
    2. A and R are true but R does not explains A
    3. A is true but R is false
    4. R is true but A is false
  1. What is a cyclone?
    1. a low pressure system with clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere
    2. a high pressure system with anti-clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere
    3. a low pressure system with anti-clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere
    4. a high pressure system with clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere
  1. Which one is an anticyclone?
    1. a low pressure system with clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere
    2. a high pressure system with clockwise winds in the northern hemisphere
    3. a low pressure system with clockwise winds in the southern hemisphere
    4. a high pressure system with clockwise winds in the southern hemisphere
  1. An upper air wind system with very high velocities in certain parts of the atmosphere is called
    1. a cyclone
    2. an anticyclone
    3. monsoon
    4. jet stream
  1. Which ones are wrongly matched?
    1. typhoon- China Sea
    2. hurricane- Indian Ocean
    3. cyclone- West Indies
    4. tornadoes- Australia
  1. What is a tornado?
    1. a very high pressure centre
    2. a very low pressure centre
    3. a very high ocean wave
    4. a planetary wind
  1. Snowfall occurs when
    1. water droplets freeze as they fall to the ground
    2. raindrops are carried up by updraughts in air
    3. dew point of air is below freezing point
    4. air is highly moist and rises due to convection
  1. The process of change of state of water form solid directly into vapour is called
    1. condensation
    2. snow fall
    3. sublimation
    4. precipitation
  1. When humidity is expressed as a percentage, it is called
    1. relative humidity
    2. absolute humidity
    3. specific humidity
    4. percentage humidity
  1. What is the vapour pressure?
    1. the presence of vapour in air
    2. barometric pressure
    3. pressure only due to vapour in the air
    4. pressure in the clouds
  1. What is measured by the Sling Psychrometer?
    1. temperature
    2. humidity
    3. pressure
    4. windi-velocity
  1. What is stated in terms of grams of water vapour per kilogram of moist air?
    1. specific humidity
    2. relative humidity
    3. vapour pressure
    4. absolute humidity
  1. Amount of water vapour (grams) in a given volume of air (cubic metre) is known as
    1. specific humidity
    2. relative humidity
    3. mixing ratio
    4. absolute humidity
  1. The temperature at which an air parcel will become saturated with the present amount of water vapour is
    1. critical temperature
    2. saturation point
    3. dew point
    4. condensation point
  1. Assertion (A): Tropical cyclone do not develop close to the equator
Reason (R): A weak Coriolis effect retards development of circular air motion
    1. A and R are true and R correctly explains A
    2. A and R are true but R does not explains A
    3. A is true but R is false
    4. R is true but A is false
  1. What is meant by the term "Cirrus"?
    1. a low cloud
    2. a rain-bearing cloud
    3. a high cloud
    4. a hail-bearing cloud
  1. What is Fog?
    1. a cumulonimbus cloud
    2. a low stratus cloud
    3. a cirro stratus cloud
    4. an altocumulus cloud
  1. Hail consists of
    1. granular ice
    2. crystals of ice
    3. water droplets
    4. masses of ice with concentric layers
  1. Rainfall caused due to the presence of mountains in the way of winds is called
    1. orographic rain
    2. cyclonic rain
    3. convectional rain
    4. advectional rain
  1. The leeward side of a mountain which does not receive rain is known as
    1. dry zone
    2. desert area
    3. rain-shadow area
    4. adiabatically dry area
  1. Dew is caused when
    1. humid air condenses on cool surface
    2. the air is colder than the earth's surface
    3. the sky is overcast at night
    4. the wind is too dry to cause rainfall
  1. Arrange parts of ocean floor according to increasing distance from the coast.
    1. Continental Slope
    2. Continental Shelf
    3. Continental Rise
    4. Deep Sea Plain
  1. Where is the famous Tuscarora Deeo located?
    1. near USA
    2. off Japan
    3. off Lakshadweep
    4. near the Australian coast
  1. Which compound is the most abundant in sea water?
    1. calcium carbonate
    2. poatassium chloride
    3. sodium chlorides
    4. manesium sulphate
  1. In which of the following areas is salinity likely to be the highest?
    1. Indian Ocean
    2. Red Sea
    3. North Pacific
    4. North Atlantic
  1. What is a Gulf Stream?
    1. a cold current in the Atlantic Ocean
    2. cold current in the Pacific Ocean
    3. a warm current in the Atlantic Ocean
    4. a warm current in the Pacific Ocean
  1. One of the warm currents in the Indian Ocean is the
    1. Labrador Current
    2. Agulhas Current
    3. Curoshio Current
    4. Humboldt Current

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